Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Horrifying Dream

I can't sleep. My second bad dream this year which rendered me sleepless. Though I was really tired when I lay down earlier on, the dream has just freshened my mind completely. I woke up breathing deeply n feeling shaken. It just seemed so real.

I was in this classroom where most of the students were taking some kind of test while I, and a few others, were not. Hence we were being quiet and minding our own business. Then we were brought to this big indoor stadium-like hall where we were supposed to observe an autopsy. Since I lingered while walking into the hall, I had already seen the body. Apparently this autopsy was special. We all knew that the subject to be examined was alive. We were meant to study how the organs functioned in a live human being. It was one of those brain-dead/comatose cases where the person had no hope of ever recovering so the body was going to be put to good use. I saw the body lying on a stretcher bed just outside the hall and it was connected to a few wires - meant to keep it (or should I say, HIM) alive. As I walked past this, some blood was splashed onto me, perhaps while they were moving the body.

I entered the hall and there were these rows of seats like the ones you see in sports halls which are of ascending heights. Chris was there with me so she beckoned me to sit with her. I stood near the bottom of these seats and they pushed the body in. As they prepared the body, I was splashed with blood again, twice. Once on my clothes and another on my face. Of course I was disgusted but I didn't show it. Instead, I calmly wiped the blood away.

Ah Ren was there. In fact, he seemed to be the person-in-charge and also the head surgeon/demonstrator for this. The whole hall was quiet but the class was small. There were only a handful of students and the staff equalled that number. Because I got splashed with blood, I declined to sit on these stadium seats. There was a set of special seats which looked a little like an overhead bridge suspended on wires. It covered the width of the hall and I went to sit up there by myself. The strange thing is, these seats would give under my weight. Hence I was forced to move up pretty high until the middle where it would support me.

They brought out the body finally and uncovered his face. It was facing me and I could see that he was relatively young, maybe in his thirties or even late twenties. He was pale and there was a respirator in his mouth to breathe for him. Someone approached him and removed the respirator and from my high up position, I could see him gasping as the tube was taken out.

As the staff further prepared to start the operation to reveal the chest and abdomen area, suddenly the guy opened his eyes. I could see him staring at me. By right, the guy should have been slowly dying without any air support, but somehow, he started to breathe on his own. I seemed to be the only one who noticed this because his face was in my direction and I was sitting opposite the stadium seats. Also, the staff were too busy to observe that he had started breathing on his own. Soon, he was opening his mouth and trying to talk. I think he was trying to ask the typical hospital question - where am I?

When Ah Ren was holding the scapel, the guy sat up like Frankenstein's monster and everyone started to panic. The students and staff were moving away from him but he seemed angry...understandably since we were about to cut him up alive. He got off the bed and walked like a zombie towards the people and somehow, managed to corner a female staff. He had grabbed her by her neck and then I was standing there too. Nobody could do anything and this lady was screaming like the female character in King Kong. So I picked up a knife from the floor and slashed at his wrist. The hand was slightly cut but there was no blood. He didn't release her so I slashed once more. This time, bone was severed and he had no choice but to let go. He didn't seem to feel any pain and started chasing other people with that zombie walk. I don't know why the people didn't rush to the exits like the normal kiasu people in horror movies. Carrying the knife, I went behind him and slashed at his thighs to stop him from moving. This is where my dream ended and I woke up shuddering.

Of course you might probably not think it's very scary when you read this but I assure you, throughout the dream, I was so afraid. Now that I'm fully awake and calm (a dose of Maple seems to have helped), I also realise that it's just another stupid dream. But then again, dreams are things which you have to experience before it seems real to you.


At Friday, December 23, 2005 1:18:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...Wat an interesting dream.. it's a pity i always can't rem my dreams once i wake - even those scary ones tat wake me up.. it's amazing how u can rem every small little detail of the dream.. shd tell ah-ren u dreamt of him being a horrible creature, trying to cut up an innocent zombie...

At Saturday, December 24, 2005 1:45:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wat innocent??!! its trying to kill some innocent people!! btw, wei wei, wat was i doing?? haha... bet im there covering my eyes, pretending i am not there rite.. haha


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