The cold weather lies ahead
Current temperature - 16.2 degrees celcius
Currently busy with - Reading Baby Blues comics, if you are interested, here's the link.
Currently annoyed about - A small fly buzzing around my study light. I'm going to kill it.
Currently enjoying - The cold wind blowing through my window on my left.
As you can see from the above, it is already quite cold here in Brisbane. It has been raining on and off the whole day which made the temperature drop even more and the winds are absolutely freezing.
I woke up this morning to grey cloudy skies with little sunlight and I was ecstatic. It was such good weather for sleeping and I don't quite like the Australia sun. It's a little too strong for me. You can get sunburn easily from staying under the sun after an hour or so. My housemate wasn't so appreciative of the lack of sun. She was complaining that it was such a gloomy day without the sun. Haha....well one's loss is another's gain. (mine in fact!)
I have decided to give up on the plant journal report. Finding out that the report is only worth 3 marks has made me feel much better about my decision. Huh!! Trying to waste my time and brain cells on a pathetic 3 marks??!! I have better things to do, like start revising for my exams and working on other more important assignments such as my leprosy project.
My cooking mood still has not improved so Chris and I went down to Coles (it's a supermarket) to get some food. It was either pasta or lasagne since Chris wasn't keen on the leftover fried rice. We ended up with 2kg worth of lasagne and it tasted pretty good. Maybe it's because I slept through lunch today and actually woke up at 1.55pm for my 2pm practical. can imagine that I was walking pretty fast to my lesson.
He came down to my place to give me a bottle of Dettol shower foam. Sigh...not again...what am I to do with him? I really appreciate his gesture since he obviously took some effort to get the shower foam. For your info, it is virtually impossible to get Dettol shower foam here. It's not like S'pore where every bloody grocery store or supermarket stocks these up. I gave up searching for Dettol and switched to Palmolive instead. Ok I'm digressing now. Anyway, I suspect that he either had the shower foam" imported" or got it from some really unknown place. I feel guilty knowing that I could not do anything similar as what he did for me. Again, I get the "owe him so much" feeling because he has been so good to me. Heh....
hehe..who's HE? why do i get this feeling that you are hiding alot more?
Hmm...maybe I am. He's a friend. Besides, I don't want to think too much, studies are more impt u know.
AH~ got ppl going after BFGT!!! bu shi ba..-_-'' hmmm...lolx...
I've been searching for Dettol all over the internet to ship to San Francisco and no luck!
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