Saturday, January 28, 2006

To-do List Revisited

  1. Watch Memoirs of a Geisha (yup I did manage to catch this, together with Pride and Prejudice, in M'sia. Memoirs was a little disappointing; the English spoken was generally quite poor and what was with the dramatic, Sadako-like dance by Zhang Ziyi?? P&P was pretty good though, I enjoyed the show even though their English was damn chim and the music could put me to sleep.)
  2. Go cycling (didn't manage to do this since I was busy and so was everyone else.)
  3. Play tennis (wanted to but missed out due to the rain and injuries.)
  4. Have 1 more sashimi pig-out with Ju and M (did meet up with them separately and had sashimi with M!)
  5. Get back my Harry Potter books ( nope, my friend fly my aeroplane.)
  6. Meet up with Starhub friends (met up with 2 of them and had really great chats, a pity there wasn't enough time for a second meeting.)
  7. Go swimming ( swam 2 more times before I left.)
  8. Buy at least 2 pairs of jeans ( couldn't find any that I liked...such a pity...)
  9. Spend more time with family (oh yes, went to stay over at my sis's hall once more and baked cookies with her and my mum. also had dinner with my dad.)
  10. Play with Brando ( brought him for 2 more walks until my arm was aching because he's so strong and he also ran out of the house and my dad had to go get him bad...naughty boy!!)
  11. Slack out in M'sia ( watched Mr and Mrs Smith with my sis and also got to relax a little there.)
  12. Meet up with A ( she was away in chance)
  13. Play mahjong ( played with my sis's hall friends where I won $13 and my sis won $12.)
  14. Watch the BSB concert ( yes, yes, yes!!! it was very entertaining even though the sound system wasn't too good and most of the time their singing was drowned out by the band and the screams from their fans. but there was good dancing and lots of good songs so it was worth it. we all enjoyed it a lot and I would go again if I had the chance.)
  15. Meet up with old friends (nope.)
  16. Meet up with Ah Ren and Papa ( had dinner with them and then went to see Ah Ren's new house. swam in his pool after the rain and it was so relaxing.)
  17. Pack my bags ( of course I got this done but even so, I forgot to bring some of the more important things like my Aus ATM card and my digicam battery charger...argh!!!)


At Sunday, January 29, 2006 12:04:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually you did play tennis with me! And you did meet up with me, so you can cross out not being to be able to play tennis and partially cross out not being to meet up with old friends. Haha. Happy Chinese New Year!

At Sunday, January 29, 2006 7:09:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said... sorry! dun mean to put ur aeroplane!!! timing all doesnt match den when finali can..i was sick..dui bu qi la.. =( nw cny i damn w flu fever n sorethoart..damn sway la..
i was v upset that i didnt get to see u lo..y u stay so short only..argHh! now u left le..i got 1 shoulder lesser to cry on man..i gonna miss u like mad again.. =\u take care! if i can save up enough for a trip to aust i sure go visit u.. =) - ur "irriating" ah mah

At Sunday, January 29, 2006 7:10:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyway..HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! may all ur wishes cum true!!! =) gonna MISS u SO much! =p nxt time peel orange for u again k? =)


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