Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Battery Story

My calculator battery died on me about a month ago. I didn't think much of it since I only used it to count how much Chris owed me for groceries and vice versa. This week however, I needed a scientific calculator to do some analysis for my experiments. I required the log and 10^ functions. I could have done this in the lab but I was quite tired that day and wanted to get home as soon as possible. So I brought "homework" home that night. When I got home, I was lazy and only got to starting my work at 11 pm. I went to borrow a calculator from Steph and she said that hers was quite old and had some problems with the screen but I just wanted to use it quick and go to sleep. So I took it into my room and started keying in my figures when I realised that her calculator didn't have the bracket function which I needed or the equation would be wrong. I went back to her room and returned it to her. Next I decided to try Tommy's. I knocked on his door and asked if I could borrow his but also checking first whether his calculator had all the functions I wanted. When he said yes, I took it from him and it was not a scientific calculator. This was a more pro one with much more buttons and it was heavy. I couldn't find the "ON" button so I asked him how to turn it on. He gave me a "like that also dunno" look and pressed "ON" for me. Then I looked up at the screen and it had some previously stored memory there so I asked him how to remove that from the screen. This time he gave me the same look together with a roll of his eyes. Coming from Tommy, this is really unusual!!! He normally is quite patient. I guess he thought I was really dumb, hahhaaha... Happy with the calculator, I brought it into the room and tried working with it. But I still had problems. I didn't know how to key in 10^ and it wouldn't let me delete some stuff. I was quite annoyed by all these problems so I decided to return the calculator and bring the work into the lab the next day and use a NORMAL calculator. As I was returning Tommy his calculator, Wan Shi must have heard and taken pity on me. She passed me her NORMAL scientific calculator and I was left shaking my head. I went around borrowing calculators from each of my housemates only to have to return them one by one just because I couldn't or didn't know how to use them and because my own calculator's batteries were gone. What a night!!!


At Sunday, May 21, 2006 9:24:00 PM , Blogger quest_gal 仪 said...

hm, why didn;t you try the online scientific calculator? they will teach you how to use it too!

At Sunday, June 04, 2006 1:33:00 PM , Blogger Wei Wei said...

Prob becos I didn't know that there was such a thing on the internet...muahahhaaaah


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