Sunday, June 04, 2006

It's been some time since I've really sat down and seriously read my friends' and family's blogs. I've been too distracted I guess. Anyway I was reading a cousin's blog and started thinking. This cousin is a lot younger than me so we've never really been close. Age gap, generation gap, call it whatever you want. She is also a S'pore PR like me so she has a choice to stay either in M'sia or S'pore. Right now she's studying in M'sia although her mum has plans to send her over to S'pore to study. It's not that surprising; so many people want to come over to study because S'pore's degrees and universities are much more recognised than M'sia's. She is reluctant though. I know it's the comfort zone thing. I had to go through that barrier as well. I guess you could also be worried about the different standards and competition you might face in S'pore. Thinking about this, I'm really glad my family came over to S'pore when I was young so that I could grow up here. I was used to the fast-paced, competitive nature of the schools here and I didn't know anything else. Then I came to Australia and I saw another side of the world. Obviously life here is much more relaxed. The Aussies are so cool and laid back, not just in their studies but also their working life. Sometimes I wonder how they are able to keep up with the rest of the world with their current lifestyle. Then again, I know that this is not the case in Sydney or Melbourne. Bigger cities mean more stress, more pressure and the lack of time. They are quite similar to S'pore. I found the people on the streets impatient and everyone was rushing here and there, just like Orchard Road in S'pore. In a way, I'm thankful that I got to make the change from a fast-paced life to a slow one. It would be much harder to go the other way and I suppose this might be what my cousin would have to contend with. I don't know and I can't say if things will go well for her. This would depend on her and how she takes what life throws in her face. It's also about the person's character and personality. Would you choose to stand up strong, thicken your skin and move forward with the new life in a new country? Or would you step back, turn around and run away home? I've heard of stories of friends' friends' friends' friends' who cannot handle the new life and culture and end up back home after wasting the huge sums of money used to send them over. They just give up and run back to mummy and daddy. Of course I think these people are dumb and weak. But who am I to judge? I cannot scorn them because they made a choice, albeit a choice I feel is wrong. It's their life, their time and their money. I just hope that given the chance, they will grab it and make the most out of it. I already know about 2 cousins who are planning to come to S'pore. I have a few who have left their hometown to go to KL to study. There is one who will be going to the UK to continue her course. I have my doubts about some of them but they might prove me wrong. Nevertheless I wish them all the best and hope they will cherish their oppotunity and not waste it.


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