Sushi Experience
I guess it's pretty obvious from the title that we had sushi. Mil had suggested a sushi night and also offered to help Steph and I dye our hair. Steph and I have been feeling quite bored of our current look and hair colour. Hence, we went out on Tuesday to buy ourselves each a hair dye kit. Imagine our excitement yesterday! Steph woke up so early and she kept fidgeting while waiting for Mil to come. The plan was for Mil to come up earlier to cook the sushi rice and do our hair while the rice cooled down. Plan indeed! In the end, we just played things by ear and prepared the ingredients before we sat down to dye our hair. Since we had started preparation late, naturally we ate late too. In fact, during the dyeing process, Steph and Wan Shi got so hungry waiting that they polished off a whole box of biscuits. I cannot put into words how funny it was but I did scold them for eating snacks when we had a great dinner ahead of us. If only they could have controlled themselves a little more! Haha it still was hilarious watching them run up to Tommy going, "Feed me! Feed me!".
Our hair dyes with highlights. Mine is on the right while Steph's is on the left. I admit, I chose it because the girl looks so nice. Hahaha...

Mil with her cute little newpaper apron which I made for her using string and duh, newspaper.
My turn with the hair expert.

Worried about Steph using my hair as her experiment. What if my hair came out yucky?? Can't do anything about it then.
Once our hair was done (we had to wait and wash twice), we could start bringing out the food and setting the table. Chris and Mr Tan came around 7 plus and the timing was just nice. So, the 7 hungry souls sat down and watched a demonstration by Mil on how to wrap the sushi. When that was over, 2 took the mats and did their own sushi while the rest watched. Wow, this was fun and looking at the full table, we had plenty of food as well. For the sushi ingredients, there was smoked salmon, cucumber, avocado, crabstick, crabstick salad, tuna mayo, tuna chilli, teriyaki chicken, fried cornflakes chicken, prawns and sweet egg omelette. I hope I didn't miss anything out. It was exciting to watch and try making your own personalized sushi roll. Of course, some made theirs big and full, some were neat and nicely packed and some were a little...messy. But it was all for the fun of it and while we laughed at each other, we had fun together. One of the most ridiculous things was done by Steph (what's new ah?). I had asked her to spread the rice onto the seaweed for me since the rice was right in front of her. She was so kind to oblige but guess what she was doing?? She went and spread the rice nicely down onto the sushi mat itself. No seaweed at all!!! Tommy and Chris were the only ones to notice and Chris was the 1st one to alert us. She exclaimed, "Steph, what are you doing?" and everyone's eyes went straight to her. Sigh...Steph, Steph, Steph....god knows why she did that. Tommy was the cutest. He knew she was putting rice on the mat even before Chris noticed but he didn't say anything and just kept watching her. Well, he claimed that he was trying to figure out what Steph was trying to achieve but maybe he was as blur as her and didn't realise what was wrong with her sushi-making efforts. Whahahahha....the house exploded with laugher, not for the 1st time that night and it was a good thing Kristy and David didn't come and put an end to our noise. We ate and ate until we finished 4 cups of rice (that's 8 portions if you didn't know) and had to cook another 4 cups. The second round wasn't as good because we were too impatient to let the rice cool properly so it was hot and a little mushy. Still, this 4 cups were polished off as well. What pigs we were last night!! Mil brought up some apples and pears saying that she wanted to make blended fruit juice for us. Yummy!! I really enjoyed mine (apples and oranges with no pears), but poor Wan Shi who hates fruits....well...we had to trick, connive, bribe and force her to try 1 TABLESPOON of the juice. We have it all on video of course, and I cannot imagine what her mother will say when she sees the video. It's amazing; she took more than 2 minutes to swallow the tablespoon of juice. The rest of us weren't that fussy and we drank our juices obediently. Hahaha....hey but I did enjoy mine and so did Steph! After Wan Shi's episode with her hateful juice, she went to threaten Steph with ginger tea and because I joined in, Steph threatened me with tomatoes, capsicum, mushrooms and vinegar with help from Chris. Aiyoh, these girls childish...tsk tsk tsk....hahahahaha....not like I'm any better....
Some of our sushi ingredients...looks yummy right?
Tommy sure looks happy with his sushi selection. That's prawns plus the cornflakes chicken and mayo.
Hmm...I don't know why Wan Shi looks so shocked here. Maybe it's because she is trying to show off her nicely wrapped sushi roll???
After washing and cleaning up, we sat down in the living room with our almost bursting stomachs and chatted casually. Mil offered to trim Steph's eyebrows (she really is our image consultant) and then, somehow, we started to tie each other's hair in different styles. Steph taught us how to do a French braid (I've been wanting to do this for forever and I still remember our failed attempt at it when we had 3 pairs of hands to work on it) and demonstrated on my hair. Then, Mil wanted to do her famous "kali pok (curry puff)" fringe for all of us. She also did the SIA bun and then a ponytail for me. I was her hair model...heh heh...After much experimenting and laughs, we called it a night and the party was over. Good thing too, I was absolutely exhasuted from laughing so much.

Pluck-ouch, pluck-ouch, pluck-ouch!!!
Very nice looking French braid. Too bad it makes me look like an auntie. Notice the highlights in my hair??
The SIA air stewardess bun!
Ponytail with the curry pok fringe in front. reminds me of the luohan fish's lump on the forehead...ewwww.....
It was a wonderful day. We plan to have a fish and chips party one day since our unit has the deep fryer. This shows that you don't have to go out and wreck the town to have fun. Staying at home to prepare a good meal with great fun is all I need and all I want. Drinking and clubbing? thanks!!!
Now to get started on my work. I've been procrastinating for ages and it's time to finally do something about it.
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