Movie in the Making
I had a very fun dinner at the Green Tea House in Fruit Grove. It took a bit of time and navigation to get there but as usual, our bunch were the noisiest in the whole place. We can't help it; it's just in our nature to be rowdy and laugh like mad women when we're together. We made crappy jokes, came up with new ideas for our video-making and of course, teased each other endlessly. Speaking about the video-making, it's like our new game; our new passion. It started off with a documentary about dimples and how we were debating the cause of dimples. Mantou decided to film it down and tadah!!! Our first video!!!!! With a few odds and ends tossed into the clip; it was damn hilarious. It will be something I will watch every now and then and laugh to myself. This isn't my first experience with video-making. Somehow, I've always been at the end of the camera when Chris is holding it. She's made a few lame videos of me and she just loves showing them off to our friends. Not that I really mind; I think my self-conciousness had decreased drastically since I came to Australia and I am more daring these days. Skin is definitely getting thicker and thicker. Anyway, we made yet another video regarding exercise. Watching it, I can't believe it's really us on the screen. I'm glad that this group goes all out and is not shy when it comes to doing stupid stuff. Tonight, it was MTV night. Yes, the 5 of us actually sang and danced to two songs and I can tell you, I laughed so much that I think I've burned all the calories from my dinner. I can't wait till Mantou edits them and we get to see the final results. I won't upload these videos for all to see. They are not meant for a stranger's eyes. Ask me if you want to see them and I'll decide if I can send them to you or not.
Waiting for food...hungry, hungry, hungry, cold, cold, cold...
Playing with the spring roll because it's so smelly. I took one bite and didn't want to eat anymore.